Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Music Meme

Just sitting here at the keyboard waiting for my Star Wars gig in about an hour so I thought I would play along with the rest of you......

Q:1 Total volume of music files on my computer?
Zero......I am apparently still in the stone age. I continue to put my C.D.'s in one at a time.

02. The last CD I bought was?
Star Wars Episode III sountrack. Really, really, like it. Not just a Star Wars fan
blowing smoke. It is quite good. Alot of variety. Great mood swings throughout the entire production. John Williams at his best.......

03. Song playing right now:

Don't generally listen to music when I am blogging or doing internet but when I do it is
almost always something by Michael Jones or a movie soundtrack. I need to concentrate.
Apparently I am not as gifted as the rest of you bloggers and cyberspace junkies. I can
however hike, chew gum, listen to my walkman, and process my latest inner thoughts
and soul vibes. How's that for multi tasking?

04. Five songs I listen to a lot or that mean a lot to me(in no particular order):

1 and 2: Bruce Cockburn's Child of the Wind and Strange Waters.....These two songs sum
up my life and how I often feel about things......

3: Lately it's been U-2's Sometimes I Can't Make it on Your Own.....Keeps me humble....
Should be the national athem of the various 12 step programs.......

4: Not really a song but anything by the Cambridge Singers or Michael Jones. Their work
reminds me of the beauty of the world. It's truly heavenly music. I've been listening to
Jones Seascapes album now for over twenty years. Never get tired of it. Can't explain
why. It's just piano music along the lines of a George Winston.

5: Last Sumarai soundtrack.......Love the Zen sound, if there is such a thing. Again, can't
explain why it floats my boat. Just does. Just is. peaceful........

05. Which 5 people are you passing this baton to, and why?

None.....Got a Star Wars gig to get to......Besides, all the blogs I follow closely are already
accounted for.......May the force be with you......

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