Saturday, March 26, 2005

Easter and the Resurrection

As I ponder and reflect about Easter I find myself thinking about the resurrection. After all, isn't that what Easter is all about?...For most of my adult life the interpretation and meaning of Easter was pretty straight forward. Jesus rose from the dead, which proves he was the Messiah, the Son of God, a member of the Trinity...and.....if we accept Christ as Savior and Lord than we too can look forward to a bodily resurrection of our own in the future either in this life, if Jesus comes back, or in the next life after we die....While I don't want to discount the power and hope found in this particular interpretation and meaning of the Resurrection story I also can't help wondering about other possible meanings and interpretations to the Easter story and I can't help myself from pondering because from my vantage point there seems alot that needs to be resurrected other than just our bodies. In fact, I question whether bodily resurrection would even make God's top ten list of things that need to be resurrected. Personally I can think of a whole lot of things that need to be resurrected. For starters, there is ongoing worldwide problem of war and violence, poverty, and disease. Than there is the various list of local problems which vary from country to country. In our country there is the problem of rampant materialism, addictions, dysfunctional family problems, workaholism, etc. etc.....and last but not least....there are the various individual problems that effect us all which include everything from selfishness, anger, bitterness, greed, fear of rejection, loss of community etc.

For most of my adult I thought "only" about the implication of a future bodily resurrection and I spent alot of time and energy defending the literal interpretation of the resurrection of Jesus....but now.....I wonder if I should spend my time, with the help of God and others in trying to resurrect my soul, my community, and the global village in which I belong, because, if a bodily resurrection is the only thing we have to look forward to than how are we to make sense of the reality of God in this world?

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