Monday, February 05, 2007

The nights are so quiet. Sometimes filled with hope...longings...desires...and...
unfilled dreams. I used to fill my nights with distractions but now I just allow the visitors of the night to come and sit with me...and...I have learned that they really don't want to hurt me, they just want someone to listen. So I listen...and...sometimes I learn...but...more often than not I try to soothe and comfort them which is really what they want and need. I used to think that that if I gave them my undivided attention and a little food and drink that would satisfy them and perhaps they wouldn't come back, but they always come back...and...back...and back...They are never totally satisfied. Many people pretend the visitors of the night aren't there or they try to ignore them. One can ignore them but that never changes the fact that they are there. Sometimes the visitors of the night go away for awhile and leave me alone. I guess even they realize enough is enough from time to time. I used to be afraid of the visitors of the night so I would fill my house with noise...but not I turn everything off and try to listen to them. Sometimes they talk to me...sometimes they do not...and...sometimes they say speak as if they know me because they tell me things I had forgotten and keep deep inside me...which...makes me wonder if the visitors of the night live within me during the day...and now I suspect some of the visitors have always been with me....The first time I saw the visitors of the night or more accurately, was conscious of their presence I thought they were hideous I realize that was only because I was taught by others to see them in that light. I see them differently now. I am not saying they are beautiful or anything. They often look sad and lonely and they almost always have the look of pain in their eyes. Turn them away if you must but you may do so at your peril because your I have learned that they have the power to heal. Some need healing more than others but we all need healing to one degree or another which is why we all need the visitors of the night. Things may be going well for you now and when things are going well we don't tend to see the visitors of the night but they are always hanging around and patiently waiting for their presence to be known. So the next time the visitors of the night appear don't try to banish them, ignore them, or tell yourself they are not real...but...rather sit quietly in the shadows and listen for the visitors of the night might just speak to you and bring you the healing words you need to hear....

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