Monday, January 16, 2006

Short and sweet

I'll keep this short and "hopefully" sweet. Having a real hard time getting back into the swing of things since I went back to work last week after being off for 23 days in a row. Work is really intense this year. This semester I am teaching three different preps and two of them, government and sociology, are a real challenge. I don't particularly like teaching government and sociology is time consuming because it requires alot of energy to make it interesting.....bottom line.....I am pretty exhausted when I come home from work these days and am not too motivated to keep up with blogging or my discussion groups activity. It's just enough to keep up with exercise and my interpersonal relationships on the homefront. Do really miss the intellectual stimulation I get from the discussion groups. Have been reading and lurking but just don't have the energy to keep up. Currently feel a vacuum on the homefront because I am not at the moment involved in anything on a regular basis that is either challenging, interesting, or stimulating. Stuck in rut, in other words. I need to give it some thought and look for some ways to create more time so I can do some things that I energize me. Even having trouble keeping up with reading these days. Just ordered some really great books but don't know when I will get the time or energy to read......anyway......said I would keep it short so I better give it up and maybe I'll get the energy and a little mojo to boogey over to my discussion group and check in......


Unknown said...

Sorry teaching is so draining right now. I don't know how you high school teachers do it. No breaks, so much grading, all that prep. You deserve every vacation day you get!

I have just returned to exercising myself and it's a lot of commitment. Good for you that you are keeping it up.

Miss you online but am glad to ahve this point of contact with you.


Bilbo said...

Hi Julie,

It has become increasingly frustrating for me to interact with everyone over at Pomoxian, in large part, because I don't have access to a computer until late evening by which time most of you have gone to bed. The discussions over the past month or so have become very engaging and spontaneous and I can't interact in a timely fashion because of my lack of access and the West Coast time zone disavantage. Oh well,.....just hope I can keep some kind of connection because you all are my only consistent intellectual/spiritual connection....