Sunday, January 29, 2006

Decisions, decisions, decisions

Am currently pondering making some big decisions regarding my two sons living with me, getting married, and my future living arrangments. I've been in limbo going on four years now since my divorce and feel it is time to step out and take the bull by the horns. Generally, making big decisions has always been difficult for me and I think I am now just beginning to understand why.... I have always struggled with self confidence and without trying to lay blame on anyone in particular lets just say I didn't get alot of support in my "formative" years. One generally doesn't get much from their high school peers because the competition to establish oneself, often at the expense of one's peers, is often the name of the game in high school. Home can sometimes be iffy since some parents lack confidence themselves for a host of different reasons. Sports was always an outlet for me to establish myself but a serious knee injury in high school prevented me from my destiny to become a professional football, basketball, or baseball player. I am sure that without the injury I would have become the first professional three sport athlete in history...back to reality...I didn't develop much confidence until I became a pro-life activist the early 1980's. Numerous speaking opportunities, radio guest appearances and a few t.v. gigs did wonders for my lack of self confidence but may have inflated my ego along the way. Always a dark side to everything....I began teaching high school in 1987 and this was the beginning of a sustained positive effect to my self confidence which would help carry me over to the present but have experienced a few bumps along the way because there is a great gulf between the feedback I get from my students and some administrators and colleagues I have encountered over the years. I try to take it all in stride and with a grain of salt but ongoing negative feedback from the "powers that be" can be discouraging and can create significant doubt especially for those who have struggled as I have over the years to establish some semblance of self confidence....While I have gained some self confidence from my work, despite the naysayers, I may have lost as much from my experience with organized religion over the years. To be fair, my experience with organized religion has been a mixed bag. On the one hand, the Christian religion does teach us that Jesus does loves us and has a wonderful plan for those who follow him. The church and Bible also teaches us to not worry because God cares for each one of us as he does for creation itself, therefore, he will meet all our needs. These teachings can and often are very positive for those who struggle with self confidence issues and that should not be lightly dismissed.....but, on the other hand....organized Christian religion does emphasize that we all all sinners and we cannot, nor should not trust our own nature as it relates to our emotions/intuition, ability to reason, and decision making....and....because of our "sinful nature" we are strongly encouraged or exhorted to put our trust in the authority of the church, the bible, tradition, and or it's leaders....and it's the latter emphasis that is highly problematic for alot of folks like myself. We get used to not trusting ourselves and our natural abilities and over the years it can really take it's toll and paralyze one in the face of having to make decisions to the point where one simply avoids making important decisions and "hopes" either someone else or the circumstances will make the decision for you. The problem is...there is no personal ownership in defering one's fate to others or life's circumstances...but perhaps worse....You never really follow the true desires of your heart and self confidence and potential happiness is sacrificed at the alter of fear and a life driven by fear is not the kind of life that breeds self confidence or happiness.....Back to the beginning....I have got some important decisions to make in the days, weeks, and months, to come and I hope I can overcome my past so that I can transend my fears and lack of self confidence and make the decisions that are right for me. It's my hope, my dream, and my hearts desire....


David Blakeslee said...

Boo to that comment spammer - go ahead and delete that message Bilbo! You may want to look into putting the password entry thingy on this comment board...

Anyway, my reason for commenting is this: big decisions, hey? Getting MARRIED?!? Well you did a nice job casually dropping that little pebble in the pond! I wish you all the bestas you do your sorting and pondering. What's the timeframe for making these big decisions? Do you have some months to work with or is it more urgent than that?

I also get what you are saying about "not following our hearts desires," but there's always the problem of figuring out if what our heart desires is really the good and right thing to do! All choices have consequences, in varying degrees of good and bad, but once those choices are made, there's often no turning back, meaning that something is lost in just about every transaction. So when we contemplate these big decisions, the stakes can be pretty high and like you, I sometimes get stuck hedging my bet in order to avoid the big catastrophe, only to wonder if I shouldn't have thrown a few more chips on the table. How's that for milking the gambling metaphor...?

Bilbo said...

Hi Dave,

No particular timeframe but since I have known Lynn for almost seven years and have been thinking about marrying her off and on for almost three I figure it is time to sink or swim. She has been more than patient but everyone has their limits. She isn't putting any pressure on me, I am putting it on myself....It's the potential good and bad consequences , the going back and forth, and the no going back that makes these kind of decisions difficult. Having been divorced once and being old enough to loose all semblance of idealism regarding marriage also complicates things...and...add marriage without children and second time around all add up to a completely different experience than when I was younger. Hard to explain and understand unless you have been there. As far as "hedging bets and avoiding catastrophe" go I really don't want to approach it that way, although I know you didn't intend this literally. Bottom line, is this something I really want to do, is this a woman I want to spend, hopefully, the rest of my life with? That's where the rubber meets the road....and....the way I look at it, there is no avoiding that marriage is a risky proposition. It's the nature of the beast and anyone who doesn't understand this is in for a rude awakening. Yeh the stakes are high but the potential rewards, companionship, and personal growth opportunities are there as well. I'm putting my chips on the table and I have the dice in my hands now all I need is the nerve to toss roll em one more time....