Saturday, February 04, 2006

Follow up to Brokeback Mountain

Just finished a long discussion with a friend tonight regarding the film Brokeback Mountain. I am continually amazed at how much some people seem to know about films they have not seen. Didn't realize one could ascertain motives and know so much about a film without actually having to go to the theatre. Perhaps in the future I will save my money and just listen to what others have to say about a film since second hand information passed down by apparently objective religious/political pundits who haven't seen the film, either, appears more reliable than first hand experience....sarcasm aside....The conversation started with a bang but proved to be beneficial to me because it brought to the surface some ideas and strong feelings I apparently have about the issue of homosexuality. I can understand the aversion most folk have towards homosexuality, especially the act itself...after all...the vast majority of people are heterosexual and have strong desires and feelings for the opposite sex....but....I am becoming increasingly convinced that there is a strong double standard towards gays, in general, and this film brings this to the surface, imo. I went to see the film by myself last week because I don't know a single soul in my neck of the woods who would touch this film with a ten foot pole. Again, I think I understand the aversion, but I do not understand how so many folks can make the kind of assertions they do about a film without taking the time to check it out themselves. Apparently God does not approve of seeing a film that depicts illicit sex....and.....God does not approve of same sex relationships........ O.K.....Don't assert that I know the mind or will of God on this matter but do know that the same folks who are boycotting this film also don't believe God approves of materialism, affairs, sex outside of marriage, greed, anger, racism, and a whole host of other sins...but....I don't see the same passion to boycott other films that contain other objectable behavior. Seems like a double standard to me....and.... that's what bugging me the most about this film. Also, I can't help thinking that the filmakers efforts to humanize the characters in the film is what they subconsciously may find most troubling because true awareness of the other and oneself is needed to bring about lasting change and perhaps that is what is bothering most folks...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Don't assert that I know the mind or will of God on this matter but do know that the same folks who are boycotting this film also don't believe God approves of materialism, affairs, sex outside of marriage, greed, anger, racism, and a whole host of other sins...but....I don't see the same passion to boycott other films that contain other objectable behavior.

You are dead on here. I made the same comments to some of my friends here. Why don't you boycott Oceans 11 that features and celebrates a heist? Why not oppose movies that celebrate adultery or materialism?

Homosexuality is the last great sin... and since heterosexuals are totally able to avoid it, they can villify it more than any other sin... (which I no longer think it is, anyway).