Tuesday, November 04, 2008

It's midnight on the west coast and I am too tired to say much...but...I did want to say that it was a wonderful day seeing Barack Obama elected the 44th president of the United States and I am so happy to see that a campaign run on integrity, for the most part, can win an election. Great night and a day of inspiration for millions of people today...


kc bob said...

A truly great night Bill.

I am hopeful about America.

Bilbo said...

Yes it was Bob,

And even if Obama does not perform up to expectations I do think his nomination is important to the future of this country and do believe his victory will be a watershed moment in the history of politics and race relations in this country. I don't remember you seeing who you voted for Bob. Just curious...

kc bob said...

Voted my gut Bill.. voted for hope.