Saturday, March 17, 2007

I've put low priority on my blogging activities for the past month because I have devoted my time, energy, and emotions to face to face interactions with friends, my two sons, and let's just say a special relationship with "a daughter of Eve". Since I moved into my new house three months ago I have gotten a new lease on life and have been spending a lot of face to face time with friends. It's been great and good for my soul....My two sons now have their driving permits so I am trying to spend more time helping them learn how to drive. It's been a real challenge for them since my car has a manual transmission but their teenage cocky attitude, that I know how to drive dad, came to a crashing end as soon as they tried to shift from first to second gear and at this point they can barely go up and down the street let alone drive in traffic....I haven't kept up with the Mclaren series but I will try to post something in the next couple of days. I have been reading the book and haven't missed a single discussion group meeting in the last two months at the local Congregational Church. The discussion group time is limited to about twenty to thirty minutes, which is much less than what I would like but it has provided an opportunity for me to get to know some of the people at the church. During this time I have gotten to know the pastor and we seem to share a kindred spirit. She, like me, is devoted to a spirit of non-violence regarding public policy and interpersonal relationships. She also emphasizes an inclusive attitude and message in many of her sermons and the church reflects that attitude. There are a number of openly gay committed couples in the congregation and from what I can gather there is somewhat a mixture of political conservatives and liberals but the left leaning crowd does seem to be in the majority but they generally don't push their agenda from what I can gather...The pastor and I have read many of the same books and it is refreshing just to talk to someone who knows and understands where you are coming from. The other day I found out she is a big Ken Wilbur and Marcus Borg fan....Unfortunately, the pastor is retiring in July. I will hate to see her go....The weather has been way above normal here for two weeks running. It is supposed to get up to 90 degrees tomorrow which is twenty degrees above normal for this time of the year. Next week it supposed to get back down to normal but for now I am sitting around the house in shorts and no shirt....Well, I think I wrap this up for now and head over to my sons house for a driving lesson and on my way I'll say a quick prayer to Saint Patrick for safety as I put my life on the line driving around with my two sons. God have mercy on me....and....if I survive, I'll head off to a special Celtic service at All Saints Episcopal Church later this evening with "a daughter of Eve"....


kc bob said...

Great to hear things are going well Bill. Reading your post reminded me of teaching my son to drive about 11 years ago - don't know how I survived him driving my standard shift 1991 Honda Accord ... always had my left hand on the parking brake - just had to use it one time :)

Bilbo said...

Hi Bob,

I don't know how I am going to survive either. Yesterday one of my sons almost killed me when he pulled out into a speeding truck which would have creamed me if the clutch hadn't stalled. From now on I am keeping one hand on the emergency brake at all times....