Sunday, July 02, 2006

Earlier today I returned a video at my local video store and was informed that all videos over two years old were free to rent for the next three days. Since these kind of freebee's don't come around too often I decided to take them up on their promotional offer. After scanning out the video's I decided to rent a film called, The House of Sand and Fog. The film came out in 2003 and while it was on my radar screen from the beginning I never got around to seeing it until tonight. What an incredible film. Although the plot is a bit far fetched and there is no particular deep moral or philosophical meaning the film is well worth the time spent sitting in front of the tube. Some critics found the plot too incredible to believe but personally I found the film gripping, intense as it gets, and the acting by Ben Kingsley and Jennifer Connelly was worthy of Oscar nomination. Not sure if they were nominated back in 2004 but if they weren't they sure deserved to be. The sountrack was very good and so was the cinematographic scenes of the fog rolling across the Bay area hills where I believe the film was probably filmed. I also liked that the film didn't remind me of anything else I had seen in recent memory which is always a big plus for me because I can't stand formula's and the continual rehash/sequel nonsense that has become all too common in Hollywood these days....Anyway, if you haven't seen the film yet and are looking for something that will keep your attention for a couple of hours check out "The House of Sand and Fog"......Two big thumbs and big toes up for, The House of Sand and Fog....

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