Saturday, July 02, 2005

We will be gone for three weeks and will spend all our time in Redwood National Park and the Oregon Coast. I wanted to go to the mountains this vacation but I was voted out by the rest of the expedition team which includes Wesley, Paul, and Lynn. I try to run a democracy around here which means one has to live with the consequences of majority rule. No sour grapes on my part though because I figure I’ll go to the mountains by myself when I get back. Besides, I hate the heat and the northern California, Oregon Coast jaunt will guarantee that I will not see any temperatures above 75 for the next twenty one days which is fine with me. I’ll be taking my camera and will probably come back with at least 3 to 4 hundred pictures. Ah….the beauty of digital….and memory cards…..Anyway…..don’t have anything else to say except that I hope the rest of you folks out there can keep cool and safe…..

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